Notice of Non-Affiliation and Disclaimer
Please note, the charities listed on this page are not directly affiliated with, maintained, associated, authorized, sponsored, or in any way officially connected with Local 255. Please contact the charities directly should you have any questions or concerns.
Firefighters Assistance Charitable Society
The Firefighters Assistance Charitable Society was created to provide help to Firefighters and their families by ensuring they have easy access to meaningful assistance and resources during their time of need. It is our objective to provide Firefighters with that same compassion, generosity and selflessness that Firefighters demonstrate everyday by helping the public and risking their lives and well-being in the line of duty.
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To provide a trusted, trained, and competent group of peer firefighters who are directed by innovative clinicians who will provide inclusive and empathetic support for all members, either active or retired, and their families. The peer team will utilize compassion and understanding to help guide members to access timely and confidential professional assistance.
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We strives to meet the objectives this charity was built on,
To promote health by providing firefighters, and their families, who are recovering from illness, addiction or disability with access to related counselling, information and peer support services.
To promote health by providing firefighters, and their families, who are recovering from illness, addiction or disability with access to related counselling, information and peer support services.
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About FACS
The Firefighters Assistance Charitable Society was created to provide help to Firefighters and their families by ensuring they have easy access to meaningful assistance and resources during their time of need. It is our objective to provide Firefighters with that same compassion, generosity and selflessness that Firefighters demonstrate everyday by helping the public and risking their lives and well-being in the line of duty.
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