IAFF Fallen Firefighter Memorial
Each September, as summer takes its leave and turns Colorado aspens golden, we gather here to remember. We come together as one union. One sister & brotherhood. One family. We come to honour extraordinary human beings. We come to this special place, not only to remember, but to ensure a hectic, preoccupied world never forgets.
In 1918 the IAFF organized to improve working conditions for fire fighters. More than 60 years later, members of Colorado Springs Local 5 looked out over this vacant field and visualized a memorial honouring those who fall in the line of duty. That dream became reality in 1984, when city fathers granted a lease in Memorial Park for the purpose of erecting a permanent tribute to fire fighters. Their asking price: The modest sum of one dollar per year​
For more information about the IAFF Fallen Firefighter Memorial please visit IAFF Fallen Fire Fighter Memorial